(No further info recovered about the murder)

By observation:

After the first blow, he was shocked, later having multiple Fractures, Signs of maxilla, zygomatic & left lacrimal bone damage. He had an Intracranial hemorrhage caused by his left ophthalmo being destroyed which also caused hyphemia. Signs of his mandible had multiple contusions which can make it hard to open due to pain. The male victim was very much alive,When a person experiences an impact that’s strong enough to cause traumatic brain injury (TBI), such as a concussion, their arms often go into an unnatural position. This position forearms extended or flexed, usually in the air follows the impact and is known as the fencing response position. Acceleration/deceleration injuries are the result of an abrupt movement of the head after the moment of the injury, leading to the variation of intracranial pressure gradients and to the brain experiencing both shearing and tensile forces. The two types of injuries typically produced are subdural hematomas (following the tearing of the subdural bridging veins) and diffuse axonal injuries (the consequence of axonal injury).

Cause of death: TBI

The brain itself does not feel pain because there are no nociceptors located in brain tissue itself.

Poverty, economic inequality, ethnic fractionalization, and the availability of guns and alcohol are also risk factors for homicide.

Translation portuguese: “We’re not gonna use this pickaxe for rock climbing”

Location is Brazil.