Young man (profile page said 19) had accidentally hanged himself to death during an erotic livestream. At first he was just masturbating on camera in mask. But then stepped closer to the camera and looked like he was reading some text (for a special request perhaps?). He then went and brought a bed-sheet, made a noose from it, secured it above on the push up bar and started doing it. To better steady himself and to give at least some support, he took his belt off, also secured it above and used it for support to hold his body weight, by grabbing it with his hand. He also supported himself by still standing on one foot. But prob. got so aroused by this that got carried away, stretched both of his feet forward, then let go of the belt and passed out in a few moments, hanging himself. The original video was much longer, including around 15 minutes livestream as he was hanging there dead. People do NOT do it.