Watch the exact moment a crowd tries to burn a woman alive in car on fire.

What is happening to people in Brazil? If anyone knows something, please post it in the comments.

What I could understand watching this video is that the population is very angry with woman. The reason I really do not know.

Was she the driver of one of those burning vehicles that crashed and caught fire? She was drunk and that’s why she caused the death of an innocent in the accident, and when the crowd realized she was unharmed and drunk, they decided to blame her, so they tried to take justice into their own hands?

I do not know. Everything I wrote above is just video-based deductions because it doesn’t make any sense. It’s the only thing that comes to my mind for people trying to throw her into the flames.

NEWS: Watch the exact moment a crowd tries to burn woman alive in car on fire.

Sorry, but I didn’t find any official information about the video.

Guys, I found out why they did that!

The case took place in the state of Amazonas, in Brazil.

According to reports, the woman the mob was trying to burn in the video had set fire to a house with several people inside out of jealousy. There were adults and children inside the house. The woman went into prison, but the crowd thought it wasn’t enough. They decided to invade the police station to take justice into their own hands.

One of the children in the house had 70% of her body burned. Another child died and his brother was in hospital with severe burns.

The cars that appear on fire in the video are cars that were parked in the courtyard of the police station. It has nothing to do with any traffic accident. The angry mob set fire to the cars to burn the woman alive. They also ransacked the police station.

Below is a video on Youtube that shows a report on the case. I didn’t put English subtitles because the video is from a television station.

The woman did not die. She was admitted with severe burns to her body and suffered a head injury from the lynching.

To watch more videos like this one, just visit the following link: Fire.

Crowd tries to burn a woman alive in car on fire Photo 0001 Video Thumb